Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tri-Tip Roast

This is one of my favorite cuts of beef. Tri-tip is a small, boneless, triangular muscle cut from the bottom sirloin, usually weighing in at about 2.5 pounds. It's sold under two different names, although it's the same cut of beef: Tri-Tip Roast and Tri-Tip Steak.  This cut of meat has a full beefy flavor, low fat content and is relatively inexpensive ($5.79 a pound at Costco). It's also ridiculously easy to prepare.

Tri-Tip Roast (about 2.5 lbs)
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper

Oven Roasting Instructions
  1. Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Rub roast all over with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Place on baking sheet and place in oven for 35 minutes for medium rare. 
  4. Remove roast from oven, tent with foil and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice across the grain (see above photo) and serve.
Charcoal Grilling Instructions 
  1. Prepare coals. When coals are hot, spread them out on just one-half of the grill (so that you have both a direct and an indirect grilling surface).
  2. Rub roast all over with olive oil. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.
  3. Place roast on direct heat side (over the coals). Sear, with grill covered, for 5 minutes on each side.
  4. Move roast to indirect side. Cover grill and open vents. Let roast cook on indirect side for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Remove from grill, tent with foil and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice across the grain (see above photo) and serve.
Wine pairing: Cabernet Sauvignon

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